Recent content by SkyLarkPvP

  1. S

    XF 1.5 How do I upgrade a style without losing any changes?

    Okay, I guess I'll have to do that, thanks
  2. S

    XF 1.5 How do I upgrade a style without losing any changes?

    Hello! So I've upgraded my xenforo to 1.5, but the problem is I'm not really sure how to upgrade the style to 1.5 without losing any changes I've made to it. Normally, you'd have a child style that has all the changes to it so you can simply overwrite the parent style, keeping all the changes...
  3. S

    XF 1.4 Feature/Addon to disable Navbar on a certain page.

    Hello, I is there any feature built in or an addon that disables the xenforo navbar on a certain page? Some examples of this is:
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    XF 1.4 Creating a page without a URL portion.

    Hey, when I create a page it forces me to give the page a URL portion, I want the page to have no URL portion and want the URL to just be my IP.
  5. S

    XF 1.4 No permissions to post a thread. -FIXED-

    It says (You have insufficient privileges to post here.) even though I set it so administrators can do anything, I also double checked if I actually had the administrator rank.
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    XF 1.4 No permissions to post a thread. -FIXED-

    hello, I'm an administrator on my forum and have set the group's permissions to do anything (ticked all the boxes on allow), but for some reason i cant seem to post a thread in my forum that I created.
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    Posting a block into XenPorta -FIXED-

    Hey, I was wondering if you could put a block in xenporta to be able to cover the left and right of the page? Heres what I mean: In this image, I can only put the block "Recent News" on one of the sides, Top-Left, or Top-Right. Heres a picture of my website: As you can see, the post only fits...
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    XF 1.4 Friendly URLS Help

    Can anyone please help?
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    XF 1.4 Friendly URLS Help

    @Brogan Ok, well I put the code for nginx friendly urls inside the nginx.conf and enabled friendly URLS, however when I restart nginx it just says: * Reloading nginx configuration nginx [fail] Heres what I put in my nginx.conf: user www-data; worker_processes...
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