Recent content by ShanePike

  1. ShanePike

    XF 2.1 How to make social media profile entries clickable

    I wanted the same thing. Here's how I did it: And here's how it displays:
  2. ShanePike

    XF 2.1 Why is CSS cached in the ACP?

    That is an outstanding answer. Thank you so much! As I understand it (and I easily could be wrong) I have two options for custom banners: Restyle the original banners. The problem with this is that I can't see what the new styling looks like from within the ACP. I just have to know what the...
  3. ShanePike

    XF 2.1 Why is CSS cached in the ACP?

    I'm making changes to the banner styles. I have modified app_user_banners.less, and the changes are reflected correctly in the forum. They are not reflected in the ACP, though. The ACP appears to be using a cached version of the original CSS, and I can't figure out how to get it to refresh...
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