Recent content by SH0CKER

  1. SH0CKER

    New Members

    I'm probably a little late to the dance... But, just looking over this add-on and have to say this could be a huge time saver for us. Is there anything we can do to show each new users registration IP address though? Thanks!
  2. SH0CKER

    Alter Ego Detector

    Would it be possible to pass a linked IP Address into the report/message/post? Something like this? Could help greatly reduce the number of clicks to investigate an IP Address.
  3. SH0CKER

    Alter Ego Detector

    We've had a few "false positives" pop up with IPs set to be checked, but having that option turned on helps us more when a troublemaker deletes their cookie and tries to return. Being able to whitelist certain IP addresses that we know are OK, some proxies for example, would come in handy to...
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