Recent content by rkxh

  1. rkxh

    MG 2.2 Watch albums by default/notification on comment

    I was womdering if: - Newly created albums could automatically be watched or - Get notified on any new comment under pictures you own Haven't found an option for either of the two.
  2. rkxh

    Member page inaccessible NGINX - Friendly URLs

    Solved - apparently there was some directory called "members". 🤦‍♂️ I am sorry, but this is an extremely old installation - formerly vB 4, then stuck on XF 1.3 for +10 years. God knows what is all in there. Removed all unused files and directories, so something silly like this shouldn't happen...
  3. rkxh

    Member page inaccessible NGINX - Friendly URLs

    Server is clean as silk. Fresh install, no other hosts active. This is literally the only config I have loaded. Here the nginx.conf: user www-data; worker_processes auto; worker_rlimit_nofile 100000; pid /run/; events { worker_connections 65535; use epoll; multi_accept...
  4. rkxh

    Member page inaccessible NGINX - Friendly URLs

    I temporarily solved this by setting up a dedicated route for /members. This is probably some post upgrade stuff (we upgraded all the way from 1.5.X to 2.2.15. @Paul B the issue is that /members redirects you back to the start page of the forum. However, you are able to visit /members/list for...
  5. rkxh

    Member page inaccessible NGINX - Friendly URLs

    Thanks for that, but first of all I do not use any panels nor does their config differ from mine. I genuinely start to think that something isn't right with either the files or the database.
  6. rkxh

    Member page inaccessible NGINX - Friendly URLs

    Hello everyone, I oddly run into the issue that friendly URLs are only partially working with NGINX and friendly URLs enabled. Here is the config, which matches the docs: server { listen 80; server_name forum.tld; if ($host = { return 301...
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