Recent content by RaptureForums

  1. RaptureForums

    recommend a vps host cheap

    Hivelocity has just started their VPS service. Not sure how they stack up price-wise to others? You can check it out here:
  2. RaptureForums

    For those running a VPS

    No, as I do not have the technical experience to do CLI which I think is what Centminmod is unless I am mistaken. I rely on my web host to do my server admin. I do the tinkering within the Wordpress Litespeed plugin though. There are a lot of things you can do in Litespeed in terms of tweaking...
  3. RaptureForums

    For those running a VPS

    I've tried NGINX and it is good. But for me nothing beats LiteSpeed web server. If you have the money for it you will be happy with it. My Wordpress site loads in about 0.3 seconds. The Xenforo forum is loading at about 0.9-1.0 seconds on the homepage according to GTMetrix. I've found...
  4. RaptureForums

    Member gets logged into other accounts?

    I had this issue one time many years ago. I think I was using Engintron and NGINX at the time. I'm not sure if you are using it or not, but maybe the link will be helpful in troubleshooting. I don't have that problem anymore as I don't use...
  5. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    And thank you for writing it. We all learn from each other. :thumbsup If there is a downside to technology sometimes, it is because things get outdated or they may have a steep learning curve. I remember spending good money for those old Iomega Zip drives to store things on. Things like that...
  6. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    I've been testing late last night and this morning to see a good improvement in my forums homepage loading anywhere from 300-400ms faster due the changes in Cloudflare settings yesterday. GTMetrix is showing the forums homepage loading in 946ms. :thumbsup: My best times before that was about...
  7. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    Oh no, I'm not using the add-on. I just found that screen shot of your settings for the Browser and Edge Cache TTL in the page rules image after I posed the questions. I think I kind of stumbled across maybe the answer to my questions when I saw the page rules image, which you then confirmed by...
  8. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    I was thinking the image you used for your page rules that were attached to the Cloudflare add-on OP was what you were advising Xenforo users to set those 2 page rules in order to speed up or improve processing while using Cloudflare? I thought using those two rules might improve Xenforo...
  9. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    Ok, thank you. On the Cloudflare add-on image, what is part? Is that a service or something that Xenforo uses or is that supposed to be changed to my Xenforo install on my site? I apologize if that is a dumb question. Also, am I supposed to have the * mark at the beginning and end of...
  10. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    I just looked in my Cloudflare admin area in the "Caching" section and see my Browser Cache TTL is set to 4 hours. What are you folks using for time-wise for that setting? I think that I noticed that OP said when setting a page rule to set that to something long. Is that right? There are...
  11. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    Ok, thank you for that info. I'll leave them off then. I appreciate your help. :-)
  12. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    This is technically over my head here, but wanted to ask what others are doing with the following two settings on Cloudflare? Under the "Network" setting there are 2 settings that are currently "off" at this time for me. Does anyone have them enabled? 1.) gRPC Allow gRPC connections to your...
  13. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    Ok, thank you for that info. I'll probably hold off then. I just checked the http headers for my header image with KeyCDN's tool: cf-cache-status: HIT I'll just hold off on CF images for now. Thank you for the help.
  14. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your time. :-) I've been looking around and it appears that I have have the "Polish" setting turned on that provides the lossless and Webp image file or my site. I do see they have a Cloudflare images service that appears to keep a copy of the images...
  15. RaptureForums

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    Ok, I'll just hold off on that. Do you use the image resizing service? I always compress (not too much though) my images in Photoshop before putting them on the site. I'm not sure if I'd benefit from the image resizing. They say it is a "speed tip" to turn it on. But I'm not sure that I need...
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