Recent content by puneetkay

  1. puneetkay

    XenForo 1.5 + CodeIgniter 3.x + PHP native 5.3

    Thanks for the advice mate! I found the issue. ob_get_level() function returns 1 instead of 0 thus interrupt the loading process. Adding this to index.php file solved the issue: if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();
  2. puneetkay

    XenForo 1.5 + CodeIgniter 3.x + PHP native 5.3

    Hi everyone, I have website based on CodeIgniter 3.x closely integrated with XenForo 1.5. Website uses XenForo user management so XenForo library is invoked on almost every page specially when user is logged in. It works fine with PHP native 5.3. But when I change PHP version to any between...
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