Recent content by Prado

  1. Prado

    [TH] Library [Deleted]

    I have an Error - If I try to post article with Russian letters, I got error: The following error occurred: Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\xD0\xB5\xD1\x83\xD1\x8B...' for column 'title' at row 1 Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line...
  2. Prado

    Users with Custom Permissions - Can't Remove

    Check to be ALL set to 'No' - also you need to re-set fields, for example, Time for Edit messages
  3. Prado
  4. Prado

    Let's go!

    Let's go!
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