Recent content by phtvs

  1. phtvs

    [SC] Twitter Widget

    I think the problem is twitter or X itself.
  2. phtvs

    Mastodon integration

    It worked before the last Mastodon update. After the update it stopped working. The add-on made it possible for Mastodon user to register and login with their Mastodon account.
  3. phtvs

    s9e Media Sites

    Updating this add-on will erase the existing BBCode MediaSitesthat I have added to the list manualy?
  4. phtvs

    Display "NEW" icon on unread posts

    This one works on 2.2.10. In extra less template add .structItem-title a:not(.labelLink):after { content: "NEW"; display: inline-block; background: @xf-buttonBg; padding: 1px 4px; font-size: 11px; color: #FFF; border-radius: 3px...
  5. phtvs

    Custom 404 Page by Siropu

    can you explain to me how to do that? Got a lot of wp-* hits on my forum.
  6. phtvs

    s9e Media Sites

    Is it possible to add to the list?
  7. phtvs

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    ok, thanks. Changed it so it should be oke now.
  8. phtvs

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    No that is not what I mean. My forum url was To install xenporta I had to move my forum to the domain root. After installing xenporta my forum was not reachable at the old url so I had to change that to With the...
  9. phtvs

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    had to change it because xenporta made it /forums instead of /forum
  10. phtvs

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I think I found the problem but dont know howto solve it. Xenporta links to the image with: but the image is located at: so why xenporta adds the /forums/...
  11. phtvs

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    just checked to be sure, normal upload images in topics on the forum still work
  12. phtvs

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I have a problem with the features. The topic title is there but the image I uploaded isnt. It seems that the image was nog uploaded because the image is not showing up in the atachments-browser in AdminCP
  13. phtvs

    XF 2.2 Google Connected account error

    I want my users to register and login with their google account. So i have setup everything at google, got the ClientID and secret, put it in de admincp options for connected accounts. But when someone tries to register of login with google it redirects to...
  14. phtvs

    Slack Notify

    cant download the add-on because you need to update your website certificate. browser wont let me visit your website because expired certificate.
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