Recent content by Pavlenex

  1. P

    CoinPayment Paygate

    Hey, we've made a free additon that's also open-sourced on GitHub allows you to do the same but with BTCPay Server, which is free and self-hosted payment gateway. Check this post it may be something useful since it's free you can give it a try and see...
  2. P

    BitPay Integration [Paid]

    Hey, Well I am bumping an old post, but I hope it's still relevant to you, to avoid spamming multiple posts here, I'll link to another thread where we shared links to BTCPay Server and XenForo integration, hope you find it useful (addition is free and open-source)...
  3. P

    Bitcoin + Xenforo

    Hey, I've seen BTCPay Server mentioned here, we've released a free and open-source XenForo addition which allows you to accept Bitcoin without intermediaries or fees. Check it out on GitHub, and feel free to file an issue if something is not working as expected Documentation...
  4. P

    Coinbase Commerce Integration [Paid]

    Hey! We've made a plugin for XenForo + BTCPay it's free and open-source. You can download it from GitHub here Let us know how it works!
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