Recent content by pamul_

  1. pamul_

    [XFA] Thread Template - XF2 [Paid]

    it works, I had in config.php $config ['enableListeners'] = false; sorry :D
  2. pamul_

    [XFA] Thread Template - XF2 [Paid]

    please add support for 2.2 xenforo.
  3. pamul_

    XF 2.1 Welcome to XenForo 2.1 / Assorted improvements

    I'm looking forward to testing the version personally. Great work 😘
  4. pamul_

    MineSync, for XF2 [Paid]

    Hello, would it be possible to repair the minecraft account display on the xenith template? Because it's broken in default settings..
  5. pamul_

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Hello, can you delete this link? And where to find it thanks to ... (more screenshot)
  6. pamul_

    XF 2.0 Profile post button

    Hi, I need to translate the button on the user profile (more screenshot). But I can not find phrases...
  7. pamul_

    XF 2.0 Email send error

    Hello, I have a problem, I can not send emails on the web. I'm displaying a error more screenshots, do not you know where the problem might be? If the problem has been solved in the past I apologize, but I did not find a way to solve it. Email transport method: Error...
  8. pamul_

    XF 2.0 How to translate the names of the months?

    Hello, I would like to translate the names of the month but I can not find it anywhere .. for example April to Duben etc. I did not find phrases...
  9. pamul_

    XF 2.0 url shows the path

    I have a minor problem, xenforo files are in the "/domains/ files)" folder, and I can see some of my links on the site, is it possible to do this without showing it? I have the Use full friendly URLs feature turned on.
  10. pamul_

    XF 2.0 Url path

    Hello, I have a problem with links "domains/" /index.php?search/&type=post unfortunately I do not have my own VPS. I have a website at the company . I would like to see links normally without the "domain/" ... Is it a...
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