Recent content by packetjunkie

  1. packetjunkie

    PhotoPost Closing Up Shop???

    The demise of PhotoPost started a long time ago. As the person who did the original PHP development, my involvement with them ended about 8 years ago. Sadly, I lost contact with Chuck some time ago and have been unable to reach him since. When we were actively involved, I enjoyed the work and...
  2. packetjunkie

    Desperate for a solution...vB/PP/Joomla

    Noted as 'work in progress'.
  3. packetjunkie

    Desperate for a solution...vB/PP/Joomla

    Have you seen the PhotoPost work in progress at ?
  4. packetjunkie

    Talk to Photopost folks for integration?

    They are certainly right ways of doing business together..... and wrong ways. I see you are still your usually chipper self.
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