Recent content by ophy

  1. O

    XF 1.4 Cache issue config.php

    Hi thanks for the reply. Php 5.5.36 and centos x7
  2. O

    XF 1.4 Cache issue config.php

    Don't know how many times I'm allowed to post but still no further replies any help would be appreciated.
  3. O

    XF 1.4 Cache issue config.php

    Hi, Sorry for the double post, but any more help from anyone with insight would be much appreciated!
  4. O

    XF 1.4 Cache issue config.php

    Hi Matt, Thanks for your reply, I had those similar settings, but as I stated once I installed memcache I just got 500 server errors (on my whole server, so some other sites not running xenforo) so I rebuilt apache and uninstalled it to fix the issue! Do you know why when I enter those...
  5. O

    XF 1.4 Cache issue config.php

    Hi, I recently stopped using xcache and enabled opcache on my server. In the config.php file I currently have (after removing the backend store option for xcache): <?php $config['db']['host'] = 'localhost'; $config['db']['port'] = '3306'; $config['db']['username'] = 'xxx'...
  6. O

    XF 1.4 New error logs

    Last night I started receiving a new error log about he xf_thread_view table not existing. The forum still functions just as normal with no apparent hiccups, however I'm not sure why that error is showing up Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Table...
  7. O

    XF 1.4 Message count variable

    It would be in the thread view under the avatar. So instead of Messages: 1,221, I could replace the number with "Too much" per User ID
  8. O

    XF 1.4 Message count variable

    I was wondering if there is a template or variable I could use for the message count. I would like to change the message count to say text so for example instead of the number of messages a user has it would say "Too Much". Is there a way to do this per user ID?
  9. O

    XenForo Updater

    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115 Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381 Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478 Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Model.php at line 219...
  10. O

    Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

    Hi. Is it possible to add elements to the postbit so that it shows individual stats for each button that is added with post ratings? So for example lets say I have "useful rating"" and "Information rating" enabled, the post bit would show how many of each the user has likes receive = x...
  11. O


    Beautiful theme, one question does it have the ability to change the postbit back to the left side instead of the default view
  12. O

    XF 1.4 Migrated servers and content IP's

    I recently migrated my server to a new one and since then everything works fine except the content IP's. For every post it, if you check the IP address it shows the content IP as localhost Not sure how this happened?
  13. O

    [bd] Keyword Alert [Deleted]

    That would only be from the user panel side of things right? Because I had a member receive a keyword notification email recently from a private sub forum that only has permissions granted to just a couple of members, that member who received the email did not have those permissions, but still...
  14. O

    XF 1.4 Blocking bots by user agent

    I used to have an add on that allowed me to input bots and it would block them directly from the software from accessing the site. This made the stress on the server much much less and I was wondering how I could accomplish this on Xenforo? I would like to do this manually, could I do this with...
  15. O

    XF 1.4 RSS Feed

    If it's enabled already, is it just globally enabled on the forum? Is it possible to enable RSS feed for specific usergroups for example?
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