Recent content by nopsai

  1. nopsai

    XF 1.5 Can I install XenForo in two different folders but in the same domain to provide different language support?

    I would like to support other language communities in my business. I thought the solution would be to create other xenforo installations and use each one for a language. For example: Is this allowed?
  2. nopsai

    Authenticate Xenforo password in C#

    BCrypt.Net has solved the problem. Thank you. ;)
  3. nopsai

    Authenticate Xenforo password in C#

    I need to compare the client password in a C# server. So, my try is: string salt = "HereIsTheSalt", password = "HereIsThePass"; SHA256Managed hashstring = new SHA256Managed(); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password + salt); byte[] hash =...
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