Recent content by niktator

  1. niktator

    XF 2.2 Attachment Import

    For anyone who is interested: The solution is NOT to go for 1 core - and it`s not going for all cores. It IS kinda parallel but if you got too many processes, the db will wait and lock. I tested on some 24 core/threads server and the sweet spot is: So for 24 cores the sweet spot is 7 for...
  2. niktator

    MG 2.1 Custom upload settings for MG

    As far as I could find out the uploads into the media gallery have the same upload rules as the rest of the forum. I would like to have different settings for the gallery. In the normal forums I want to auto-resize image uploads to 1080p - but I`d allow my users to use the gallery for high res...
  3. niktator

    XF 2.2 Attachment Import

    Life System is the system i finally plan to migrate. As I wrote I deleted alot of posts including pictures to check if and how the import is working at all. Now I got the problem, that my downtime would be way over a day if i can`t speed up the attachment import.
  4. niktator

    XF 2.2 Attachment Import

    I did use the CLI importer. 2,268,417 attachments took 11 hours. But if I want to convert my life system, it will be more then 4,3 millon. The point was: why isnt this handled parallel like the rest of the migration?
  5. niktator

    XF 2.2 Attachment Import

    In the test import from vb5 i used 24 threads and everything was beeing imported very fast. like 3 hours. BUT the attachments take ages! nah centurys. I guess the --processes=x is not working for attchments? I deleted 75% of my forums including attachments to thest the import (i deleted the...
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