Recent content by Net7

  1. N

    XF 1.1 Regarding user upgrades

    Hey, I was wondering if OP tested this change and if it works?
  2. N

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

    Hey, first of all, thank you for this plugin, it's great! I was also wondering if it's possible to change a small thing; it seems that after every line within the Code blocks, a line break is inserted. Since the pre tags already take care of that, all of the code within the Wiki now has a...
  3. N

    vBulletin 4 to XenForo Importer [Deleted]

    It seems the importer is running into issues when importing the users. After getting to 100%, the importer simply shows a blank page. I don't see any PHP errors, and I've turned on all PHP errors , so that's not the cause. Does anyone have a possible solution to this issue? Edit: Seems to stop...
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