Recent content by NavyRet

  1. NavyRet

    Increase Length Of Username And Custom Title

    Great stuff. I love it - been looking for a way to do this for a while now. Glad I popped in and saw this. Thanks a million !! (y)
  2. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 How to edit the icon area of the Rich Text Editor

    Rather than focus on the images color (I don't know why it's different when clicked), how about helping with my question?
  3. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 How to edit the icon area of the Rich Text Editor

    I have successfully added two new BB-codes and icons for them to the rich text editor used when posting or editing a message. Unfortunately, there is empty space in the icon row that causes an icon to be moved to a second line. (see image) How can I remove the blank space so the icons only take...
  4. NavyRet

    All Rich Usernames

    Thanks Liam. This is the best thing since sliced bread. It's Super and Great. Thanks again.
  5. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Smiley Sprites

    Can someone please tell me where smiley sprites reside? I want to add some smileys from a new sprite, but don't know where to upload it to. Thanks in advance.
  6. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Ex-Moderators still showing in Mod Log drop down menu

    OK. Thanks for all your answers. (y)
  7. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Ex-Moderators still showing in Mod Log drop down menu

    I have two ex-moderators who still show up in the Moderator Log area of the acp. There is a drop down menu to choose which Moderator to filter for and these two ex mods are still showing in the list. Is that normal? Or is there a way to get them off the list? Thanks.
  8. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 XF Dropdown Menu

    Well, thanks anyway. I don't understand anything in that template. I can't find anything in there that resembles that drop down menu, so I guess I will just forget it. <sigh>
  9. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 XF Dropdown Menu

    Yes, I figured that out but I don't know how to do it. I was hoping for some guidance. Thanks.
  10. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Text Titles in Color

    OK. Thanks. 😞
  11. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 XF Dropdown Menu

    I would like to add a "Staff" link to the Members Quick Links located directly beneath the header (see image). Can anyone please tell me how to do this? Thanks.
  12. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Text Titles in Color

    Is there any way in XF 1.5.x to allow the individual user to choose a color for the text of their thread's title? Thanks.
  13. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Template search_form_post

    The search page is the only place they appear. They don't appear on the main page or anywhere else, but I'll check the node permissions. Thanks. Edit: By golly, setting the node permissions for that group to Never fixed the problem. Thank you Sir Brogan.
  14. NavyRet

    XF 1.5 Template search_form_post

    On our forum we have a some hidden areas that only staff (Mods and Admins) can see. Unfortunately, when a registered user clicks on the Search Forums link in the header, they are taken to the page generated by the search_form_post template and they can see the existence of these hidden areas...
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