Recent content by MrSwalbert

  1. MrSwalbert

    XF 2.1 Staff Online Check

    So I'm wanting to change the <xf:if is="$user.is_staff"> check in the template widget_members_online to check if the user has a secondary group instead of checking if the user is marked as staff. I think making an array of XF group names and checking if the user has any of these groups as a...
  2. MrSwalbert

    XF 2.1 [SOLVED] Reactions Summary Bar

    Fantastic - thank you! This was the first place I looked, but I must've misspelt the search term.
  3. MrSwalbert

    XF 2.1 [SOLVED] Reactions Summary Bar

    I used to use ThemeHouse's Reaction addon to handle reactions, though it does not work with XF 2.1. I've started using XenForo's built-in reaction system, but my theme designer disabled the "Reaction Summary Bar". I'm struggling to find in which template I can enable this bar again. Any ideas?
  4. MrSwalbert

    Creating a New Page

    Do pages actually work on the demo? I've set up the page and every time I click on one of the tabs, it redirects me to the demo creation page... Any idea why?
  5. MrSwalbert

    Creating a New Page

    Thank you for the help. Cheers, Brad EDIT: How do I add this to the navigation bar?
  6. MrSwalbert

    Creating a New Page

    Hey, I will be purchasing a xenForo license soon and decided to try the demo. I have looked at everything except creating a new page. I have looked at the FAQs and it says there should be an "Applications" tab (YouTube videos also show this). Obviously, the ACP has been updated and I'm not quite...
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