Recent content by mikul01d

  1. mikul01d

    XF 1.4 5.5GB session table with growing pace 2MB+ per second This one :(
  2. mikul01d

    XF 1.4 5.5GB session table with growing pace 2MB+ per second

    Hi Jake, We've found the reason - it's caused by one plugin installed to the forum. Disabled it and everything went back to normal. Thank you very much!
  3. mikul01d

    XF 1.4 5.5GB session table with growing pace 2MB+ per second

    (The thread title was a direct quote from our system admin person.) About 8 hours ago we announced something on the forum, and shortly after people started flooding in, we observed a dramatic growing speed of the session table size until it crashed the site with the following message: An...
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