Recent content by mikenon

  1. mikenon

    Kotomi - Generic script bridge

    I'm having issues with CORS errors. The page loads correctly, I can see that I'm logged in to XF, and that I have a an unread alert. If I hover over the alerts notice to list them Chrome's console shows an error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load...
  2. mikenon

    Email Confirmation Fails

    Edit: I should have read that more carefully. Thanks, that was the issue.
  3. mikenon

    Email Confirmation Fails

    [Not a Bug][Solved] Before wiping the entire XenForo file directory, and deleting the database: Screenshot 1 And after re-installing, with(edit: without) any 3rd-party modifications: Screenshot 2 Edit: I re-installed using a freshly downloaded copy of the zip (xenforo_1.1.3_full) from...
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