Recent content by MFA Baybars

  1. MFA Baybars

    Multi Prefix [Paid]

    Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x When using the add-ons I mentioned above, there are 2 prefix adding fields. If this setting (minimum prefix) in Admin control panel> Forums> Nodes> Forum tab is 0 The...
  2. MFA Baybars Promo Codes

    I think I bought it first :) @adnedarn
  3. MFA Baybars

    Lack of interest Phrase locations for language translations

    When translating into another language, some word positions need to be changed. For example, in the rectangular area in the picture below, the name of the "MFA" user should be at the beginning of the sentence. However, since this username is on the template, it is necessary to make a correction...
  4. MFA Baybars Promo Codes

    I missed again: S
  5. MFA Baybars

    XF 2.2 How do I show the group name when I hover over the user banner?

    The problem has been solved thanks for your help:p
  6. MFA Baybars

    XF 2.2 How do I show the group name when I hover over the user banner?

    Hello, I made the user banners in the image. When I get on the banner, I want to show the group names like admin moderator ... I can call the user name with the code {$ fallbackName} but I don't know what to write for the group name. Help please :) my message_macros code <div...
  7. MFA Baybars

    XF 2.2 XenForo and third-party add-ons font size change

    What should be the minimum font size for default xenforo font
  8. MFA Baybars

    XF 2.2 XenForo and third-party add-ons font size change

    Is it a problem to change the font size of the copyright of XenForo and its third-party add-ons?
  9. MFA Baybars

    XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    Hi @Jaxel, there is a problem with the xf 2.2 beta 4 version. When will the new wiki version arrive :)
  10. MFA Baybars

    [OzzModz] Email Whitelist

    Problem solved :)
  11. MFA Baybars

    [OzzModz] Email Whitelist

    [OzzModz] Email Whitelist 2.0.1 XenForo & Add-ons 2.2.0 Beta 4 ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined variable: validationResponse src/addons/OzzModz/EmailWhitelist/XF/Entity/User.php:21 Generated by: MFA Aug 29, 2020 at 8:52 PM Stack trace #0...
  12. MFA Baybars

    [OzzModz] Email Whitelist

    I use gmail...
  13. MFA Baybars

    [OzzModz] Email Whitelist

    I get this error when I try to change the email address from the admin control panel. XF version: 2.2.0 BETA 3 and BETA 4 LogicException: Verification method of email did not return a valid indicator (true/false) in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php at line 793...
  14. MFA Baybars

    XF 2.1 How do I get userbanner text into this field

    I've seen this feature in several forums. I wonder what the answer is.
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