Recent content by MDK

  1. MDK

    XF 1.5 User upgrades not working

    Nothing in the transaction log. It is so weird
  2. MDK

    XF 1.5 User upgrades not working

    The correct URL for the callback was set correctly. Screenshot was from before the change and just to illustrate the IPN'S were enabled. The transactions shown are not from the old vB or recurring ones. I created a new test subscription in xF and those are purchases done by myself and another...
  3. MDK

    XF 1.5 User upgrades not working

    we migrated from vBulletin to xF recently and noticed there is an issue with the paid subscriptions. They worked fine with VB. We have IPN enabled and the callback function set accordingly in the settings. Screenshot below shows the old URL but this is changed properly to the xF requirement...
  4. MDK

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    Yes, that is what I meant. Having the "Richest users" showing the same way as the "Transactions" page in full. As a main page and not a side block. But as you said it is not possible
  5. MDK

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    What about a regular page without the framework just like your "Transactions" page you have now?
  6. MDK

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    Thank you. I can work with that. One more thing the popup with the "richest users" or the sidebar which also display them. I would like to display them on their own page also instead of popup or sidebar. I have also the "widget framework" which can create a page but when I put the template in...
  7. MDK

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    Quick question how this works? All my events/credits are calculated based on users from 1 particular usergroup. If a user drops out of this particular group with the add-on recognize this and remove him from the calculations/leaderboard also? Thanks for any help
  8. MDK

    sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

    Might have over looked it but is there a button available for the xenforo editor? I am using the BB code manager. With the standard xenforo gallery it shows a button and when clicked it shows the media you have in your albums and you just can select it Thanks for any help
  9. MDK

    [ITD] Add "All Post" and "All thread" by user in Member Card.

    Thanks for bringing it back. I just downloaded it and installed with the XML file. No problems. Just nothing shows up in the Member card. Do we need to re-index something or run cron entries? I noticed also in the Version History there is a version 1.4.5 but the one for download is 1.3.5 ?
  10. MDK

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    Maybe somebody can help me. Not sure if it is just on our forum but when I click on "reply" in a post the text from the posting doesn't get copied in the reply. The Multi quote function shows me all the quotes in a popup but not able to paste them in the reply either. Thanks for any help
  11. MDK

    [Nobita] Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    This could be fun and a good way to motivate users to browse the forums. Is this still working and developed? I went to your site but no Pekemon ever showed up Thanks for any input Mike
  12. MDK

    [HA] Read Thread Enforcement

    Thanks for the super quick reply. That did the trick. I guessed when you login you already get the message to read the thread but it only happens when you start browsing Thanks
  13. MDK

    [HA] Read Thread Enforcement

    Weird. I installed it on my test forum, added the usergroups and the ID. Logged in as a testmember but nothing happened
  14. MDK

    Refresh New Posts [Deleted]

    Awesome. Going to try it out now
  15. MDK

    Refresh New Posts [Deleted]

    "ourforum'org" was just a replacement for our real domain. What I was trying to say is our forum is located in the folder "forums" but when the add-on wants to refresh the page it doesn't search in the "forum" folder but in the root folder (the domain name) instead
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