Recent content by Mayhem30

  1. M

    Lack of interest proxyUrlFormat - add urldecoded variable

    Will this be added in Xenforo v2.1?
  2. M

    Bounce connection error: cannot login, user or password wrong

    Is anyone else having this issue? Since posting this bug, I have another 185 entries in the server error log.
  3. M

    Bounce connection error: cannot login, user or password wrong

    Soon after updating to 2.0.4, I see about 20 of these errors per day. Bounce connection error: cannot login, user or password wrong Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException: Bounce connection error: cannot login, user or password wrong ·...
  4. M

    XF 2.0 Get category name in forum_view template?

    How do I get the category name in the forum_view template?
  5. M

    Phrases Search & replace

    Is this addon available for download? I don't see it anywhere for XF2.
  6. M

    XF 2.0 Proxy Images without Proxy.php

    Is it not possible? I really need this.
  7. M

    Lack of interest proxyUrlFormat - add urldecoded variable

    Could you please provide a variable with the URL decoded for "proxyUrlFormat"? I would like to use Nginx instead of proxy.php to handle image proxy. I can't use "urlencoded" URL's as it throws a 500 internal server error. Perhaps add something like "{nurl}" variable in ...
  8. M

    XF 2.0 Proxy Images without Proxy.php

    I'm using Nginx to proxy images without using Proxy.php - but running in to an issue with the URL. $config['proxyUrlFormat'] = '{url}'; The {url} is "urlencoded" which Nginx doesn't like - is there anyway to retrieve the URL not encoded?
  9. M

    XF 2.0 FontAwesome Avatar?

    The old one was removed, but no font-awesome icon is showing.
  10. M

    XF 2.0 FontAwesome Avatar?

    Is it possible to use a FontAwesome icon for users who do not have a avatar set? I was hoping to use this :
  11. M

    XF 2.0 Issue with Phrases

    I really had no choice as I just wanted to change the word "thread" to "topic" but there was over 450 instances? I can't do that manually. It would be nice if something could be done in the future that would allow users to clear the modified tag for phrases for the entire list after a major...
  12. M

    XF 2.0 Issue with Phrases

    I needed a massive amount of changes done to phrases. I downloaded the language file, modified it and imported it. It went well, except now everything shows up in red text - even if it wasn't modified. Can this be fixed in any way? How does the forum software determine if a phrase was modified...
  13. M

    reCAPTCHA for guests not working

    I see what's going on. When I "ProxyPass" PHP files from Nginx to Apache for processing, It's done via HTTP (not HTTPS). So when Apache receives the response, it's from an unsecured connection. Since I have both Nginx and Apache on the same server and communicating via localhost, it's not...
  14. M

    XF 2.0 Where to style the PageNav?

    Thank you. So there is not option for it and it has to be done in extra.less?
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