Recent content by maman

  1. M

    RM 1.0 Making RM fields "Required"?

    Thanks for the confirmation! Needed to make sure of that.
  2. M

    RM 1.0 Making RM fields "Required"?

    Hi, Is it possible to set RM fields as "Required"? Thanks in advance.
  3. M

    User Paid Sticky [Paid]

    @Slavik Would appreciate your feedback.
  4. M

    User Paid Sticky [Paid]

    Compatible with 1.3?
  5. M

    XF 1.2 User info Not Showing in Smartphone

    I have enabled the display of additional user info in my site like number of likes and sex. The thing is that this information does not show up when browsing through a smart phone. How can I change that?
  6. M

    How to add a variable to a Template?

    From the controller. Thanks for your response.
  7. M

    How to add a variable to a Template?

    In case it is not originally part of it? Thank you in advance.
  8. M

    XF 1.2 Inserting User Avatar in the Header does not work

    Exactly... Why do you think it is not working?
  9. M

    XF 1.2 Inserting User Avatar in the Header does not work

    Added only the code above to the "header" template, as shown in the snapshot: Please tell me I did something silly and it is easy to fix :) Many thanks for your response!
  10. M

    XF 1.2 Inserting User Avatar in the Header does not work

    What I need to achieve: When the user is logged in, I want his/her avatar + summary info shown in the side bar to appear in the top right corner of the header. What I did: I pasted this in the header template: <xen:sidebar> </xen:sidebar> What I got: Nothing. There was no change to the...
  11. M

    vBulletin Big Board Importer [vBulletin 3 + vBulletin 4] [Paid]

    Hi all. I have managed to conduct the import process successfully, but I have one last issue: some usernames are not encoded correctly like the one shown below. Any idea about that? By the way, the import process took around 12 hours. Is that OK? My forum stats: Thank you in advance.
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