Recent content by MadItalian

  1. M

    XF 2.2 TypeError: Return value of XF\Job\PermissionRebuild::rebuildById()

    I'm trying to install the latest version of XF 2.2 for a new site. Could my permissions on the file system be incorrect? TypeError: Return value of XF\Job\PermissionRebuild::rebuildById() must be an instance of XF\Job\void, none returned in src/XF/Job/PermissionRebuild.php at line 70...
  2. M

    Overall Site Slowness...

    Good ideas, thanks.
  3. M

    Overall Site Slowness...

    A couple of months ago, we started seeing random slowness with pages both public and admin. No updates had been done. I had the site owner re-subscribe, and updated the forum and plug-ins. That seemed to clear up the issue for a couple of weeks, but performance has gone downhill again. I've...
  4. M

    ZipArchive class does not exist redux

    Found the issue. The zip.ini file in php.d had a typo, extensions versus extension. It shouldn't be plural.
  5. M

    ZipArchive class does not exist redux

    Howdy... I'm self hosting Xenfor 2.2.x and I'm trying to install the latest version. The one-click install says ZipArchive class does not exist and when I look at Server Environment Report it says ZipArchive is not enabled. However, PHP and yum seems to think it's installed and the zip.ini...
  6. M

    XF 2.2 Renewal not "linked" to installation?

    You were correct. Thanks for the pointer.
  7. M

    XF 2.2 Renewal not "linked" to installation?

    I've run the upgrade check several times, with no luck. The license renewal was completed yesterday.
  8. M

    XF 2.2 Renewal not "linked" to installation?

    Howdy... We just renewed our Xenforo license and the server is not seeing that we renewed. Is there something we need to do to get the server application to see the renewal?
  9. M

    XF 2.2 Using message_macros correctly...

    Howdy... I have some customized code in Templater that I'd like to move into message_macros. The previous Admin edited fnUserTitle, and added a custom badge he developed based on the user title: $userTitleImage .= "<img src=\"/styles/rebelscum/ranks/".str_replace(' ','',$userTitle).".gif\"...
  10. M

    XF 1.5 Admin / User Login Issues with 1.5.16

    No cloud flare in the middle. So we disabled caching, and we'll run with that for a while. Weird that the behaviour changed "all of a sudden". And yes, we seriously need to upgrade - it's gonna be painful. :-P
  11. M

    XF 1.5 Admin / User Login Issues with 1.5.16

    We've had zero changes to our Xenforo boards since forever, and the disk space appears to be fine at 60% free. However we appear to be getting session issues during the login process that is causing the logins to not complete after authentication. A correct username and password just flips back...
  12. M

    XF 2.1 Debugging: The upload failed because the file could not be written to the server Message

    We are receiving complaints that our users can't upload Avatars with their profile. The error message reported is: Oops! We ran into some problems. The upload failed because the file could not be written to the server. The site administrator will need to resolve this before any files could be...
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