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    Do Not Monetize Your YouTube Account

    I understand that I could be annoying having to complete a survey in order to gain access to a content or to a page, but CPA doesnt end there. You can choose to monetize your exit traffic, for example, people that goes to your website and then exits and goes to another website, upon exit it...

    Do Not Monetize Your YouTube Account

    Hi. Content locking is the practice of locking any content or section on your website and forcing users to complete a short survey to gain access to your content. For example, you can create a widget using a choice of major CPA network, when a user goes to your website to look for...

    Do Not Monetize Your YouTube Account

    I would like to add a very big WARNING: I agreed to monetize my youtube videos BEFORE my adsense account was disable for "Invalid Click" that I have no idea where these Invalid Clicks came from. They could have come from my competitors, a hacker, a DDoSer, or what ever. The point is that its...
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