Recent content by lookforthat

  1. lookforthat

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    I had this working fine on a previous version using digital ocean method. I am doing a fresh install using the latest version of Xenforo. As soon as i added code to config I am unable to log into administrative panel. Any help would be appreciated. Here's my config file... <?php...
  2. lookforthat

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    I stand corrected... That is Good news!!!! I will test this out. Thanks
  3. lookforthat

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    Yes. performs the same way for Digital Ocean Spaces unfortunately...
  4. lookforthat

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    Finally got this working in its entirety with the help of unruly1 and others. This is a great resource considering the bulk of running a forum is ensuring there is enough storage space, an having a cost-effective way of offloading images. However, the problem using this add-on is when you delete...
  5. lookforthat

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    Hi Jake, Do you have this working?
  6. lookforthat

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    Anyone know whats going on with this!!!!! Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception: Error executing "PutObject" on ""; AWS HTTP error: Client error: PUT...
  7. lookforthat

    Add-on RSS Feeder for Resources

    I need the same thing... did you find a solution???
  8. lookforthat

    Is there currently any way to store/serve

    Is there currently any way to store/serve file attachments from Amazon S3 bucket... or alternative??? using Xenforo 2
  9. lookforthat

    XF 1.5 Enable SSL for database connection??? Setup for config.php file...

    No... I need for the SSL configuration for MySql Database... Having your data encrypted using SSL is much safer...
  10. lookforthat

    XF 1.5 Enable SSL for database connection??? Setup for config.php file...

    Enable SSL for database connection??? Setup for config.php file...
  11. lookforthat

    XF 1.5 Enable email notifications by default

    Alright let's try this again... If you look at the initial screenshot... I'm looking to have "watch this thread" and "receive email notifications" box's checked off by default... without the user having to engage in checking it off... I simply want the functionality to be the user receives...
  12. lookforthat

    XF 1.5 Enable email notifications by default

    The question should have been posted for version 1.5xx not version 2.0 I'm sure this will affect what the answer to my question is?
  13. lookforthat

    XF 1.5 Enable email notifications by default

    No...when someone signs up to my Forum I want by default when they "create a thread,"... or they respond to a "thread"... they receive emails automatically without having to check a box... Hence the screenshot...
  14. lookforthat

    XF 1.5 Enable email notifications by default

    Enable email notifications BY DEFAULT... "watch this thread" and receive email notifications
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