Recent content by laz

  1. laz

    Use semantic paragraph <p> tags in post content instead of line breaks <br> (Accessibility, Semantics, Bug Fixing, Styling, SEO?)

    Hmmm, this is driving me a little crazy – not the end of the world but it would great to have a toggle in the options to keep as is, or use <p> automatically instead of line breaks.
  2. laz

    Has anyone here integrated an advanced CMS (like Wordpress) with Xenforo?

    Got it, well that's a bummer as I really wanted to find a way to make this work (install in /forums without having /forums/forums or /forums/boards). Thanks for letting me know!
  3. laz

    Has anyone here integrated an advanced CMS (like Wordpress) with Xenforo?

    @TheLaw I see on your website that XenForo is installed in the subfolder /forums, but you managed not to have a double /forums/forums/ URL prefix when visiting a specific forum. How did you achieve that?
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