Recent content by Kevin Remer

  1. Kevin Remer

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Figured out the problem. In /library/EWRporta/Block/RecentNews.php I had to add a bit of code. At line 22, just before the fetchAll statement, I had to add: if ($page < 0) { $page = 0; } The page works everywhere now. But if there is more than 1...
  2. Kevin Remer

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I created a forum specific layout, and can use all of the blocks on it aside from RecentNews. RecentNews works fine on the home page, and other PORTAL layouts, but not a forum specific layout. The error I get is: An exception occurred: Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect arguments to...
  3. Kevin Remer

    Remove [img] & [attach] tags from page meta descriptions

    Here is what I did. Create the folder: /library/CustomMeta Create a file called: descr.php The contents of the file are: <?php // <xen:callback class="CustomMeta_descr" method="getHTML" params="{xen:helper snippet, $firstPost.message, 155}"></xen:callback> class CustomMeta_descr {...
  4. Kevin Remer

    XF 1.4 String manipulation in templates

    I figured out how to do what I wanted. This is for using Twitter Cards using the text and image from the first post of a given thread. I made two files in the /library/TwitterCard folder. index.php - This checks for an image in the first post of a thread to see if there is an image (assumes...
  5. Kevin Remer

    XF 1.4 String manipulation in templates

    Is there a way to do string manipulation (indexOf, subStr, etc.) when using <xen:set>? For example: Then check $test_content to see if there is an IMG tag present, and if so, get the index of that tag. Then do the same for the /IMG tag. Then do a substr using the location of those two tags to...
  6. Kevin Remer

    XF Sports Forum -

    What did you use to create this? Or is it all custom work? I have a forum for 4 sports teams, and was looking for something exactly like this.
  7. Kevin Remer

    Add-on Recent News type add-on

    I want to create a page that shows the threads I create in a specific forum in a more detailed view. Similar to the home page of Is there an add-on that does this, or is there an alternative method for displaying threads in this manner?
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