Recent content by JJJ

  1. JJJ

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    I really fear, we could have a situation. like we've had with vB4 and vB5. Nice new ideas, but the versions were so much incompatible, that nearly nobody risked to upgrade. Then we would have many boards remaining at XF1.4x, but XF1 actually would be a dead end street... and just some brave...
  2. JJJ

    XenForo Portal

    This is my biggest problem atm. I really love, what I see in the video, you have posted. Awesome! But atm, I do fear nothing more than customizing our board and building in adons. We have survived a horrible update from vB3.8 ->vB4.0 We couldn't update from vB4 -> vB5 So we had to survive a...
  3. JJJ

    XenForo Portal

    How sure is it, that this will continue to work in XF2.0?
  4. JJJ

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Wasn't this the option with vB5? We could continue to use vB4, it was not compulsory to upgrate to vB5. But vB4 was a dead end street. Will XF1.4 be a dead end? Is it as much trouble, to move from XF1.4 to XF2.o, as it was to move from vB4 to XF1.x?
  5. JJJ

    User Notes

    We use it, and it was able to import our user notes from vB. But this tool is buggy, doesn't parse bbCode and editing. We use it as a crutch. Actually, we hope, XF2.0 will bring a replacement. Is not, we will have to find a solution... sponsering an addon-developer or maybe letting code a...
  6. JJJ

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Running a big board either, I agree, our users didn't show much interest in blogs. Anyway, blogs should be optional as an addon. I don't expect them to be part of an update. What I hope to see in a 1st digit update, are more likely basical things. Our Users are very happy with XF1.4.x. But...
  7. JJJ

    Add-on XenReviews [CrowdFund]

    So am I. But we hat too many changes at our site recently, so I have no problems, still to wait a little. Btw, I suppose, it will run on XF2.0?
  8. JJJ

    2 Questions to XMG

    We use XMG and our users love ist, but I am missing 2 things, maybe I'm just too stupid to find: 1. If users embed images from their XMG-albums in forum-threads, is there a way, to find those threads, when browsing through the gallery? 2. Is it possible, to embed complete albums in a thread...
  9. JJJ

    Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

    The request for a portal solution seems to be quite strong. I wonder, why no other serious programmer takes the chance, and supplies us with a more flexible and solid solution.
  10. JJJ

    Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

    Ok, me and my team lost some money. :( But far worse is, I lost faith in crowdfunding, and maybe never will risk money again in such a suggestion. We tweaked XenPorta 1.x a lot, and meanwhile it does what we need. My only wish atm is, hopefully it will continue to work with XF2.x
  11. JJJ

    XF 1.4 Find Attachments

    Thank you. But a user seems to have no way to list his own attachments.
  12. JJJ

    XF 1.4 Find Attachments

    Is there a way, to find all attachments, a certain user has uploaded?
  13. JJJ

    Congratulations Chris Deeming and XenForo

    I'm happy to hear this, because I think, Chris is an excellent developer. Congrats @Chris D
  14. JJJ

    XenForo 2.0 - New Design?

    I hope you are right, and actually I think you are right. I still remember, when we had to update vBulletins vB3.8 to vB4.0... I wished, we had never done this. And since the vB4 update horror, I was looking for something better, which finally let us migrate to XenForo this year.
  15. JJJ

    XF 1.4 Let Moderators read Email Addresses?

    Works... and makes our moderators a lot happier. @Brogan: Is there another trick, to let the Moderators see the "Users Awaiting Approval"-list?
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