Recent content by Jerr0w

  1. J

    XF 2.1 User Upgrade with MySQL Query

    I've posted a solutiom here (not MySQL!):
  2. J

    XF 2.1 XF Framework - User Upgrades/Downgrades

    Hello boys, I've got it working. Unfortunately, no one could really help. I hope this code actually helps some people. // Set XenForo directory $dir = '/var/www/public'; // Require XenForo require($dir . '/src/XF.php'); // Load XenForo XF::start($dir); $app =...
  3. J

    XF 2.1 XF Framework - User Upgrades/Downgrades

    Bump. I found this in XF/Admin/Controller/UserUpgrade.php public function actionManual(ParameterBag $params) { $upgrade = $this->assertUpgradeExists($params->user_upgrade_id); if ($this->isPost()) { $username = $this->filter('username', 'str')...
  4. J

    XF 2.1 XF Framework - User Upgrades/Downgrades

    Hello, I'm currently coding an external page with PHP and I need to be able to upgrade/downgrade users through the XF framework. Unfortunarely I can't find any references for user upgrade/downgrades. Can someone share some code for User upgrades/downgrades through the XF framework? :) Currenty...
  5. J

    XF 2.1 User Upgrade with MySQL Query

    Thank you! Will test it soon :) Edit: Works perfectly! One last question: Can you maybe give me the code for user upgrade/downgrade as well? :)
  6. J

    XF 2.1 User Upgrade with MySQL Query

    Thanks. Can you maybe tell me how I can load the XF Framework? Doesn't work as in XF 1.
  7. J

    XF 2.1 User Upgrade with MySQL Query

    Is there no help for this? It seems like that it's possible to do that through the XenForo Framework $startTime = microtime(true); $fileDir = '/path/to/xenforo/root'; require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php'); XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir ...
  8. J

    XF 2.1 User Upgrade with MySQL Query

    I want to be able to activate users with a PHP script. Is there any other way than MySQL queries?
  9. J

    XF 2.1 User Upgrade with MySQL Query

    Hello, I would like to upgrade users through MySQL queries. Can somebody tell me which MySQL queries I have to execute to perform it correctly?
  10. J

    XF 2.1 Custom PHP Page

    Got it working. add <xf:csrf /> after <form>
  11. J

    XF 2.1 Custom PHP Page

    So far so good, it works... BUT now I get "security error occured", when I hit the submit-button. Any idea how I can fix that?
  12. J

    XF 2.1 Custom PHP Page

    The problem is that my PHP File is mixed with HTML, and data is submitted via POST submit. I don't really know how I can do that with XenForo. In XF1 there was an addon that I could do custom pages easily on my own, without classes etc.
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