Recent content by jeb35

  1. J

    XF 2.3 Hoe to adjust the time between member posts?

    It's probably the bypass flood check permission. Be careful with this though. Unless you have an addon editing it, I thought the timer was set for 30 seconds not 3 minutes.
  2. J

    XF 2.3 Edit user - wrong name

    Already been posted.
  3. J

    XF 2.3 "About You" Spam method

    Uhm, this has been going on for years. One of the best ways to detect spam lol
  4. J

    XF 2.2 Help me fix a mess with user groups (primary and additional)

    You really don't want their primary usergroup to change at all. Primary usergroup should be set to registered permanently, any added permissions should be used as secondary usergroup.
  5. J

    XF 2.2 Visitor Message/Post unable to undelete

    Are you getting errors? Any installed addons that may come into play causing the issue?
  6. J

    XF 2.2 Can I reverse the post order in a thread?

    Possibly with this addon. Not sure if its 2.3 compatible though.
  7. J

    XF 2.3 How do you all handle expiring push notifications?

    Could also be user is clearing cookies when exiting browser or running a program that does it.
  8. J

    XF 2.3 how to know if an addon is not compatible with the xenforo version you are using.

    When you upgrade your forum and all of sudden nothing works. Like the hundred or so threads that came about after 2.3 was available wanting to know why they can't access their forum. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  9. J

    XF 2.3 Unable to Change Access Permissions for Forum Nodes and Sections

    We would need to see a screenshot of your browser console, usually F12 button and then the console tab.
  10. J

    Are you a humanist?

    After taxes, you'll be lucky to see 50 million. Give me 40 million and I'll donate the other 10 million.
  11. J

    Duplicate Editing user populates Username field with my username

    Duplicate to this one.
  12. J

    XF 2.2 How does the Update user trophies cron work?

    If its like the user group promotions then yes. You can try going to rebuild trophies in the rebuild cache section.
  13. J

    Oops! We ran into some problems...

    Maybe mod security?
  14. J

    XF 2.2 My Aproval Queue has 7 thousand items on it, how to bulk get rid of it?

    My question to you would be how did it get so many?
  15. J

    XF 2.2 Can't change any node permissions

    Mod Security perhaps?
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