Recent content by jcs5275

  1. jcs5275

    The Big Bang Theory

    One of the funniest shows on TV today.
  2. jcs5275

    Why do we do this? QUIZ!

    1. How long ago did you start your first forum? About 6 years ago. 2. How many forums have you worked on as admin? 4-5 3. Why did you want to run a forum when you started? I couldn't find a board that did things the way I wanted, so rather than complain I did my own. 4. Why do...
  3. jcs5275

    What are you listening to?

  4. jcs5275

    Halloween Avatar Week!

    This is one of my fav avatars.
  5. jcs5275

    a couple questions

    I recently won a Xenforo license in a contest and know little about it, all my experience is with IPB so these may be noob questions. Does Xenforo have a subscription option already in it or does that require a 3rd party add on? Server suggestions? My IPB sites run on IPB servers so I have...
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