Recent content by James Freeman

  1. James Freeman

    XF 2.2 Unable to install

    Sounds like you haven't configured the A name records on your domain to point the subdomain to your server.
  2. James Freeman

    Long time no see - how's it going buddy!

    Long time no see - how's it going buddy!
  3. James Freeman

    Looking for vBulletin/XenForo experts for custom styling and development

    Most third party developers won't be looking in the pre-sales forums. I would recommend purchasing a licence and posting in the Custom Service/Development Requests forum. Good luck.
  4. James Freeman

    As designed When searching sub menu's disappear

    Hi, sorry to break the 0 bugs. Not sure if this is a bug or not... Whenever I such the sub menu items disappear. Not sure if by Design or Bug..
  5. James Freeman

    ZEND and PHP

    I really don't understand where you are coming from. Yes, people are still running 5.2 which could have security risks etc, but XenForo works fine on 5.2 -5.6, why do you care what version of ZF XF is using? What benefit is so great that the current version cannot do?
  6. James Freeman

    Installing Arrowchat

    I'm not sure if this meets your needs, but there is comet chat.
  7. James Freeman

    Implemented Replace <fb:/> tags with HTML5

    Wouldn't this technically count as a bug? I might be wrong. @Mike
  8. James Freeman

    Problems creating a thread

    Are you using the default theme? What browser is he using?
  9. James Freeman

    Cannot reproduce Quoting tagged user creates additional alerts

    I would guess this is "by design" - because you are technically mentioning them in your post, Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  10. James Freeman

    Fixed IE problem with post edit overlay

    I can also reproduce this also. However if you interact with redactor like making something bold - it'll start working again. Strange.
  11. James Freeman

    Fixed IPv6 addresses not supported

    I would imagine it wont be done in 1.2, I would assume it's a relatively big change and could have impact on stability. I would imagine it'll come in 1.3 or later.
  12. James Freeman

    Not a bug Long resource title styling

    I don't think that's relevant to my statement. I didn't create the bug report. I was just asking if he moved this bug to the wrong forum.
  13. James Freeman

    Not a bug Long resource title styling

    @Mike did you move this to the wrong forum?
  14. James Freeman

    XenForo 1.2 - Watch a Forum

    To the suggestion forum! :D
  15. James Freeman

    XenForo 1.2 - Watch a Forum

    If you are watching a forum such as "Resolved bugs" and there is a thread that is moved into that forum. Will you get a notification? I guess the same could be said about posts (with merging etc).
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