Recent content by jadmperry

  1. jadmperry

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Just bought the new version. Looking forward to the return to having this product.
  2. jadmperry

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I don't really understand the pushback on the price for this version of XenPorta. Jaxel worked to produce the add-on for XF 1. Worked a charm for me on XF 1.x. I am going to purchase it for XF 2.x. I don't understand why people would be upset or question why he should be paid for the new...
  3. jadmperry

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I kinda get your point. But, I disagree. Jaxel had to spend time to update/recode the add-on so it will work with XF 2.x. That work should be compensated. If vendors don't get paid, what is their motivation for spending the time to learn how to make add-ons for XF 2.x or any other major upgrade...
  4. jadmperry

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    If it carries over to the same website (I am assuming same URL, maybe a good policy that it be per one license instance, but, the same URL criteria works for me) then that is great. I believe this is a great product and I support Jaxel getting paid for his work. Same time, it seems to me that...
  5. jadmperry

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I have the same question.
  6. jadmperry

    Fixed Error on dealing with Approval Queue

    Thanks, Mike. Given my huge and vaunted knowledge of things, I agree. (joke at my own expense). What do you mean by you "have worked around this?" Is this something that will be addressed in a future release?
  7. jadmperry

    Fixed Error on dealing with Approval Queue

    I have come across this error several times on acting on posts/threads in the Approval Queue: "ErrorException: [E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] Argument 2 passed to XF\ApprovalQueue\AbstractHandler::performAction() must be an instance of XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity, null given, called in...
  8. jadmperry

    XF 2.0 What's new in XenForo 2.0

    What is the hold up? I went to your site and it delivers this message: "The site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later." Are you having a problem with upgrading? I have recently gone through the process of upgrading to 2.0. beta x, and I have had some hiccups along the way (not...
  9. jadmperry

    XF 2.0.0. RC 1 (Happy Tuesday)

    C'mon, guys, let's keep this thread on topic!!! HOORAY for XF!!!!
  10. jadmperry

    XF 2.0.0. RC 1 (Happy Tuesday)

    WOO HOOO!!! Xenforo 2.0 RC 1 is out!! Great job, guys! (And, for those long time Xenforo aficionados and those betting on the release date, note that this release falls on a Tuesday, just like every major past release). Looking forward to all of the greatness that will follow!
  11. jadmperry

    XF 2.0 Style question regarding buttons

    Damnit.... If these were school exams, I think I would get a D+ at best. I keep coming across this same issue. Here is my latest in Resources Add on:
  12. jadmperry

    XF 2.0 Style question regarding buttons

    And that worked a charm!! Thanks! Solved my problem, so I really appreciate the help. Next question, is that a "workaround solution"? That is, is there a better way or "cleaner way" to get that same result? I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth, just curious if I am doing something dumb...
  13. jadmperry

    XF 2.0 Style question regarding buttons

    That worked great!!! Thanks....but..... So, still having the same issue with this situation:
  14. jadmperry

    XF 2.0 Style question regarding buttons

    I saw that on the "inspect" when I looked at in the browser....but, where do I find that? Which style property or css file? I searched within ACP for all this (css and button.button--link ) but no results returned. I know I may be somewhat dense, so appreciate the help!
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