Recent content by JackBauer

  1. JackBauer

    Get visitor info with Phalcon

    Nevermind. I forgot to put <?php echo $this->getContent(); ?> in my view. I figured this out after I tried removing the view entirely, which worked too.
  2. JackBauer

    Get visitor info with Phalcon

    I have a website that uses Phalcon. The directory structure looks like this: mysite -- app ---- controllers ------ IndexController.php -- forums ---- (XenForo stuff here) I'm trying to register a visitor component with the Phalcon IoC container like this: $di->set('visitor', function () {...
  3. JackBauer

    How to get user cookie or user name /user id in external PHP file

    I don't have an xf_user cookie, only xf_session. Is this still a feasible way of obtaining user information? Edit: nevermind. Apparently the xf_user cookie is only created when "remember me" is selected.
  4. JackBauer

    Login using C#

    I think your problem is you are not POSTing anything. That is an HttpGet request (the form data is in the query string). To do an HttpPost, just submit a form with the fields to the login URL: <form action="index.php?login/login"> <input type="text" name="login" /> <input type="password"...
  5. JackBauer

    Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

    Thanks. I'm still a little concerned that it's some kind of exploit though.
  6. JackBauer

    Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

    What's mobiquo? Edit: Wait a minute... I don't think I want this...
  7. JackBauer

    Lack of interest Add simple import/export option for sharing template modifications

    Sorry for the necro but I had a question about this. I just started using template modifications because I thought it would make the upgrade process easier than having to manually merge templates. Am I missing something?
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