Recent content by itsmeniik

  1. I

    XF 2.1 Facebook URL Thumbnail image.

    Hi, Is it possible to make it so when I post a URL from the forums on facebook it pulls the first attached image as the thumbnail. Currently it pulls the avatar of the thread owner.
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    Meta Tag error.

    Hi, I cannot seem to get the first image attached on the thread to pull as the image on a facebook post. Below is the code I have entered in the "Thread_view" can you tell me where I am going wrong. <xf:if is="{$thread.FirstPost.Attachments.first().thumbnail_url}"> <xf:macro...
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    XF 2.2 User Registration

    Ya i dont mind keeping primary Registered. I didn't know u can add it to the form. Thanks
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    XF 2.2 User Registration

    Yerp I understand the attached link. I was more of hoping it would be part of the sign up process that they can select what usergroup they want to signup to.
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    XF 2.2 User Registration

    Hi, Is it possible to have an option where the user can decide what "supergroup" to sign up to. So lets say I have 4 usergroup (Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Delta) A visitor on the forums can decide if they want to register as Alpha. Or Beta, But not both.
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    [XFA] Forum Sales - XF2 [Paid]

    Hey, Quick questions before I buy it. 1. Can it be set so if someone buys anything it gives them an automated user group so I can have an area for paid customers who can access support. 2. Can anyone reply to the selling thread? So if someone has a question they can reply to the selling thread...
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    [TH] Donate

    Hey, Is there a "Recent donations" widget?
  8. I

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    I cannot seem to get my twitch services to accept my API key. Is there a video or faq with a step by step process?
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    XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NEW: ANALYTICS, XF1...

    I have been using it since Nov19. Only issue I found was the database stores steam id not steam id64 and we use id64 for all our whitelisting and account linkages. There also isn't any easy way of extracting a list of users and their steam ids either.
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    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    Is there an ability a thread gets auto moved with a prefix change once someone "approves" or "denies" a form submission?
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    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    Ok no worries thanks a lot.
  12. I

    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    I have the following settings: So front door is effectively where i want the button, but I want it posting the submissions in "under review". Now if I change the "Forum for new thread" to under review the button also moves to the under review section.
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    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    I have the following forum setup Applications Under Review Accepted Denied Is there a way I can have the "form button" located at "Applications" but when the form is submitted it only posts to "Under Review"???
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    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    I have a usergroup solely so anyone within can approve or deny form. But I have a section of the forums that uses the forms that I don't want this specific user grope to be able to approve and deny. Is there a way to split what sections of the forums users can approve and deny forms based on...
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