Recent content by ISSL

  1. ISSL

    [XFA] Forum Sales - XF2 [Paid]

    Yeah dont upgrade to 2.2 if you use this module as it doesnt work as above, wish i had seen this before now :-( Paul
  2. ISSL

    Link Directory (LD2) [Deleted]

    All went ok, at the end of the import seems to get stuck in a loop, does import the data OK though, its just right at the very end the statistics bit keeps coming up with continue. Gscale Central Links Directory Imported From LD1 Paul
  3. ISSL

    Link Directory (LD2) [Deleted]

    Ahh.... never would have guessed looking there, thanks very much, i will give that a try later. Paul
  4. ISSL

    Link Directory (LD2) [Deleted]

    Hi, Where is the importer? i have missed that one. Thanks for the help on the message, thats now implemented. Paul
  5. ISSL

    Link Directory (LD2) [Deleted]

    Hi, Great add on, shame the database structure changed from the xf1 version as had to manually redo all the links, maybe an upgrade option would be good for others upgrading? Also how can i add a paragraph of text above the link directory, something like "To request a new site be added please...
  6. ISSL

    XF 1.5 Leave this page pop up

    Got the same issue only with IE users, any ideas? Paul
  7. ISSL

    XF 1.5 Please Help With Rewrite Rules

    Sorted it RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^topic=(\w+?)(\..+)?$ RewriteRule ^index.php /threads/%1? [R=301,NC,L]
  8. ISSL

    XF 1.5 Please Help With Rewrite Rules

    Yes, this is not a problem with the seo fucntions of xf, its an issue converting an old format url to xf As per my original post to xf does not know about...
  9. ISSL

    XF 1.5 Please Help With Rewrite Rules

    Seen it, but does not help with my specific question about how to write a rewrite rule.
  10. ISSL

    XF 1.5 Please Help With Rewrite Rules

    Hi All, Imported from SMF a while ago, and forgot i will need to add a rewrite rule to convert old thread links in messages to Xenforo format. How would i create a rule to convert :- to any...
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