Recent content by IgorG

  1. IgorG

    Fixed [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "result_count" on null

    The same story. Despite fix with @Kirby solution, waiting for official update.
  2. IgorG

    XF 2.1 Correct upgrade sequence

    Will the upgrade succeed despite the presence of incompatible versions of the plugins?
  3. IgorG

    XF 2.1 Correct upgrade sequence

    I have Xenforo 1.5.24 with XenForo Resource Manager and Xenforo Enhanced Search plugins installed (versions for XenForo 1.5.x). Now I have to upgrade my forum to XenForo 2.1.x with corresponding versions of the same plugins with saving all data. If I start the upgrade XenForo first, will it not...
  4. IgorG

    Search Query Log

    I use modified XenES/Search/SourceHandler/ElasticSearch.php which creates additional ES indicies 'queries_by_words' and 'full_queries'. After that in Kibana I create and use visualizations like:
  5. IgorG

    XF 1.5 Restrict private conversations from one group to another

    Thank you. But I need strong restriction for members of one group. They mustn't write PMs to the members of another group.
  6. IgorG

    XF 1.5 Restrict private conversations from one group to another

    Please, can you help me? Is it possible to make so that one group can not send private messages to members of another group? Thanks.
  7. IgorG

    Algolia search engine + Xenforo

    Does anyone have experience in integrating the powerful cloud search engine Algolia with Xenforo?
  8. IgorG

    XF 1.5 How to create thread post with URL?

    Hi, I can pre-file thread title and even prefix_id for thread creation like But I don't know how can I add the text of this thread post in URL. Is it possible? Thanks.
  9. IgorG

    [TH] Slack [Deleted]

    BTW, it is easy to modify Slack.xml and Slack.php to add keyword filtering (Contains Text) for Thread options as it is done for Post options.
  10. IgorG

    [TH] Article Manager [Deleted]

    When I try to clean spam I get following error: Error: Call to undefined method Faqe_Articles_Model_Articles::displayAllActiveArticles() - library/Faqe/Articles/SpamHandler/Articles.php:24 Stack Trace #0 /var/www/html/library/XenForo/Model/SpamCleaner.php(54)...
  11. IgorG

    Mark Posts as Best Answer [Deleted]

    Please tell me how can I get the number of best answers for month for the particular user from xf database? Do you know appropriate SQL query?
  12. IgorG

    [TH] Slack [Deleted]

    Sorry, but I can't find any description of this scenario in documentation. Could you please be more specific? I want to buy your add-on, but I must be sure that required scenario can be realized.
  13. IgorG

    [TH] Slack [Deleted]

    Yes, I meant special add-on settings where keywords would be defined. When someone wrote the message which contains this defined keyword - notification in Slack arose. Is it possible to realize this scenario with this add-on?
  14. IgorG

    [TH] Slack [Deleted]

    Does the notification function is possible for posts containing a keyword or phrase in the title or body of the message? For example, can I receive notification in Slack if someone on forum creates the post with "Donald Trump" phrase in the message or title?
  15. IgorG

    Mark Posts as Best Answer [Deleted]

    Yes! I found this "!important" for "a:visited, a:link" in xenforo.css Now all works fine now! Thank you @Dan Hawkins !
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