Recent content by iDreamTheater

  1. iDreamTheater

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Is there anyway to use xfrock's widget framework with xenporta 2? I want to combine some blocks with tabs.
  2. iDreamTheater

    Conditional Statements

    In the ad_below_top_breadcrumb template I want to display <xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_full" params="{xen:array 'room=2'}" /> on page node 6 and <xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_alt" /> on all other pages (including pages that aren't page nodes). This is my code: <xen:if is="{$contentTemplate}...
  3. iDreamTheater

    XF 1.4 Display something everywhere except a pagenode

    I have taigachat set to display in ad_below_top_breadcrumb. I want it to display everywhere except one page node. How can I do this with template conditionals?
  4. iDreamTheater

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Was there ever a way to use the spoiler bbcode in taigachat? How can I do it in the current version?
  5. iDreamTheater


    How exactly is it approached? I am trying to remove the navtab so I can link to the page in another fashion but can't find the code within andy_donations to do so.
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