Recent content by Hersheybar

  1. H

    Chrome Bug...

    So... I'm using chrome and when I click login it shows this error. "Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: -webkit-autofill" It works fine on safari, it also doesn't work on any of my friends google chrome...
  2. H

    Custom Variables?

    Thanks, also is there a pre-build MySQL Library or would I just need to make my own connection and do it off that?
  3. H

    Custom Variables?

    Thanks, i'll look into this now. Also is there any documentation? I'd love to have a read of it if there is.
  4. H

    Custom Variables?

    I was wondering how i'd pass custom variables on to a template and load them in the template, i'm assuming loading them in the template will be something like {$custom.ver} or something. I was just wondering how to do it PHP side, the variable will be dynamic and be defined in the code when it runs.
  5. H

    XF 1.2 Style out of place?

    Hello, I just downloaded the flexile style off the resources and when I import it, it shows up like this...
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