Recent content by Helmuts

  1. Helmuts

    What are you listening to?

    cool one :) .. great way to kick off a Sat morning
  2. Helmuts

    What are you listening to?

    have this one running a whole day.. relaxing
  3. Helmuts

    What is the recommended process on cleaning user accounts?

    .. manually removed around 70k users by identifying domains that are used for creating bulk user accounts + removing users that have a following pattern in their email address: (dot)character(dot) for a new webmasters, more details on the last one: example of the last one...
  4. Helmuts

    What is your self-hosted SMTP solution? We are testing Postal at the moment, with speed issues

    Hahhh.. nice :) We will also look into this. Thank you for sharing.
  5. Helmuts

    What is the recommended process on cleaning user accounts?

    Good morning, What is the recommended process on cleaning user accounts? Last April I acquired 2 old forums (est. in 2001 and 2004) and need to clean the users so that we can start sending monthly DMs (newsletters with industry updates) to our users, and maintaining low email bounce-rate...
  6. Helmuts

    What is your self-hosted SMTP solution? We are testing Postal at the moment, with speed issues

    You are both correct. We stopped sending out the pending notifications after valuating the high bounce-rate. Will be diving into XF foru and reading about the best XF cleaning practices and experiences. Best wishes all! H
  7. Helmuts

    What is your self-hosted SMTP solution? We are testing Postal at the moment, with speed issues

    Good morning, Question to large and old forum owners whose email bounce-rates are above 10-15% - what SMTP server/vps setup do you use? Last year I aquired a 530k member forum (est. in 2001) and 15.5k member forum (est. 2004). Note: both forums serve a particular niche and almost all the...
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