Recent content by Guillermo Garrcia

  1. G

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Hello everyone. I'm having an issue here. Invalid model 'EWRporta_Model_Blocks' specified XenForo_Model::create() in EWRporta/Install.php at line 50 EWRporta_Install::installCode() call_user_func() in XenForo/Model/AddOn.php at line 215 XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXml() in...
  2. G

    Style Custom Nav Bar/Header

    Hey Guys, I am wondering if anyone can basically add my navbar/header ( to the forums, as i really need this xD but don't have enough money to spend getting it done and i have so much other work to do on the site and other programs i need to Finnish in C++ and well...
  3. G

    Other [PAID/FREE] Login that responds numbers

    Can someone do me a simple url login that responds numbers? Like, Ban=1 Admin=2 Member=3 Not necessarily in that order, that's just an example. I will greatly appreciated or can we do this with our Admin CP? I tried doing this but it...
  4. G

    XF 1.1 Url that have numbers

    Can someone do me a simple url login that responds numbers Like, I will greatly appreciated or can we do this with our Admin CP?
  5. G

    Hello there! How are you today? Awesome regards from your best friend and awesome Admin...

    Hello there! How are you today? Awesome regards from your best friend and awesome Admin, AvalonGaming!
  6. G

    XF 1.1 Can I add a image to a rank?

    Do you happen to have that link/url to those "threads" you said that my question have been answered? It will be a great help.
  7. G

    XF 1.1 Can I add a image to a rank?

    I searched and found something I didn't understood.Without being nasty, if you won't help me, then I will ask you to please leave this thread alone.
  8. G

    XF 1.1 Can I add a image to a rank?

    Basically is, Can I add a image to a rank?If yes how? And also Not sure, but, is there is any add-on (free) that will allow users to purchase a subscription? If yes, link please? Help will be appreciated, thanks!
  9. G

    [Ice] Shop

    Mind going into more details, if you don't mind please.. I'm kind of new to all this :P
  10. G

    [Ice] Shop

    :O I get it :) Thanks, I shall try that.
  11. G

    [Ice] Shop

    Thanks :) Working now However, let's just said that I want a username to be colored, or glowname or some effect... How will I add that?
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