Recent content by GreyWing

  1. G

    Complete Xenforo 2.x & 1.x Custom Services Expert Company | + 8 Years Experience

    Fahad and his team at ForumCube have been great, very straightforward and followed our brief to design our new theme / template. Couldn't ask no more. Would recommend them without hesitation.
  2. G

    Best place to request freelance help

    Many thanks mate, apologies
  3. G

    Best place to request freelance help

    Hi We currently have a 1.5 theme, having to bite the bullet and upgrade. Can I ask where the best place would be to request the services of someone to build us a similar template in the latest version of Xenforo. I've tried some general freelancer sites but results have been pretty poor. Many...
  4. G

    New Hosting: Xenforo 2 + php-fpm71 = HTTP 503 error

    Hi Pamir I've replied in the other thread regarding this, we had the exact same problem. Try setting mod_ruid2=no in options.conf file This is our full options.conf file settings for our server if yours doesn't work after just disabling mod_ruid2=no Remember to change yours to 7.1 if that is...
  5. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    Frustrating mate, are you using DirectAdmin or cpanel? For us it was Mod_ruid2 that was causing it. We had a similar problem in that ours would run Joomla ok, just not Xenforo. If DA, below is what we use for our settings in options.conf file, then rebuilding the settings. We have now gone to...
  6. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    Cheers mate, got it sorted. It turned out to be that mod_ruid2 was on the server setup and it conflicts work with fast cgi. Whilst Cpanel won't let you build your settings like that in EasyApache4, DirectAdmin will and will still work partially. Sorted and sorted, phew! Thanks again
  7. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    ok, so out of all options I downloaded the database from the direct admin site that doesn't work and put it on a cpanel install. It works fine, so all the tables work. As xenforo works on DirectAdmin (proved with the fresh install), it's now narrowed down to - large xenforo databases don't work...
  8. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    We have 8 usergroups, 1 style, and 1 language The backup just iunstalled, I emptied the table "xf_permission_cache_content " and that brings the front end of the site back but without any content. I can log in to the front end, I can also see the search page, but can't see any categories, can't...
  9. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    Sorry not drop, meant empty
  10. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    It's picked up speed again, but all the posts have gone. I dropped a few tables before that may have caused the posts to disappear. So currently going to a backup of the site I took a few hours ago. Then will drop that table first and see if that helps.
  11. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    I emptied that and no luck unfortunately. I did just empty the table "xf_permission_cache_content " that brought the front end of the site back, but without any content and is really slow. Got rid of the 503 error. Might be unrelated but certainly a small sign of something else maybe
  12. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    Yes mate can still access as a guess. Great point. I might start to chop and change tables with the fresh install server then. I'll keep going until one of them makes a difference. The site is on a development server so not under any pressure of downtime. Would you think that might be the best...
  13. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    Yep I can access the admin section but no errors are showing in those logs. The admin section works fine.
  14. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    We continue to get these mate " [Fri Feb 09 16:30:40.143710 2018] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1387:tid 140690984331008] [client 94.174.***.**:59022] AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header [Fri Feb 09 16:30:40.143762 2018] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1387:tid 140690984331008] (104)Connection reset by...
  15. G

    XF 1.5 503 Errors after server move

    We had about 10-15 on there but have since uninstalled (not just disabled) all of them and still no joy. At the moment, we are currently running without any addons at all. Checking templates, and going back to cpanel to see if that fixes it. Very odd.
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