Recent content by Gourad

  1. G

    Developer Tools

    @Robbo project is dead?
  2. G

    Similar Threads

    For example in template andy_similarthreads_below_quick_reply remove strings <th>{xen:phrase date}</th> and <td>{xen:datetime $similarThread.post_date}</td> and save template.
  3. G

    Similar Threads

    Possible. Need changes in template.
  4. G

    Similar Threads

    unfortunately is no WHERE xf_thread.title LIKE " . XenForo_Db::quoteLike($searchWord1, 'lr') . " AND xf_thread.title LIKE " . XenForo_Db::quoteLike($searchWord2, 'lr') . " Module use mysql like search. @RoldanLT where you found the using of ES?
  5. G

    Xenforo + Fastcgi_cache

    Maybe this problem is related to cookie xf_session? Alternatively, you can set Session.php SearchReferer and isRobot required expiration lifetime and use these value in nginx
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