Recent content by gOOvER

  1. gOOvER

    [NICK97] SteamIntegeration - XF2 [Paid]

    Everything becomes more expensive for everyone and most people don't automatically earn more as a result. 25 dollars was an acceptable price. For 35 dollars, the addon offers too little and has become uneconomical for my purposes.
  2. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

  3. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    is this correct? its located in my installation in vendor_: EDIT: it works, when i move the content from vendor_ to vendor
  4. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    i installed it via update & install over my TH Account. I'll try a reinstall
  5. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    i got an error with latest Version:
  6. gOOvER

    Check Add-On update Thread

    I have time to test :)
  7. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    i can understand him, becasue @ThemeHouse dont longer interessted in supporting this addon
  8. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    They get Money from us and so its simple; but i'll stop now to disuss with such guys like you ;) None can change the mind of fanboys, without own opinion and which are only horny on it, that the Postcounter rises ;)
  9. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    Again a stupid and thoughtless answer, because you simply do not read what is written and then just writes something, the main thing the counter goes up ;) Please read, understand, read again; think and then answer; so far came only thoughtless from you
  10. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    Stupid asnwer ;) sry. Thats part of XF, but they don't do anything new, since 2 years. And the cloud is nothing new ;) And yes, Woltlab have a really great Market ;)
  11. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    Looks like, you dont know this addon; this is NOT ONLY limited to TH ;) Xenforo must integrate a Plugin manager. Take a look to Woltlab and learn, what is possible
  12. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    Yaeh, but Xenforo Team dont undertsand this really
  13. gOOvER

    Install and Upgrade

    This plugin is broken as hell and not really updates.
  14. gOOvER

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    i get this error: An exception occurred: [ErrorException] [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "siropuAdsManagerAdParsingWhenPosting" in src/addons/Siropu/AdsManager/Template/Ad.php on line 45 XF::handlePhpError() in src/addons/Siropu/AdsManager/Template/Ad.php at line 45...
  15. gOOvER

    Check Add-On update [Deleted]

    I think that after all the hostility in recent times @0815 has stopped the development, which I personally find very sad. @0815 , please resume development and make the whole thing chargeable; I'm happy to pay for it. Sry for German: Du weisst doch wie das ist; sobald was kostenlos ist, hat...
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