Recent content by Giorgi

  1. Giorgi

    [TH] Repeat Events [Deleted]

    It would be nice to have option when repeating date is not constant, for example when it is every week but different day. So option to input specific dates
  2. Giorgi

    Stock Trader [Deleted]

    any plans to make license available again for purchase?
  3. Giorgi

    [XFSoccer] Soccer Betting Game [Deleted]

    Ok, where do one can get Services API Key?
  4. Giorgi

    How to create a language pack?

    is there any solution to this? editing directly xml is troublesome there is bloated information all over the file, interface translation tool takes forever.
  5. Giorgi

    Stock Trader [Deleted]

    So... it is not for sale? or what does this supposed to mean?
  6. Giorgi

    XF Arcade [Deleted]

    So, any update on this? any plans or something? paid is ok with me too.
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