Recent content by Garfield™

  1. Garfield™

    [cXF] Remove Location, Website and About you field

    How can I stop it from adding urls to the about field?
  2. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 XenForo 2.3 beta1 api and email problem

    There is actually no configuration setting problem in the API section, but the API does not do its job.
  3. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 XenForo 2.3 beta1 api and email problem

    Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException: 0'dan 0'a e-posta başarısız oldu: "ssl://" ana bilgisayarıyla bağlantı kurulamadı: Stream_socket_client (): SSL işlemi kod 1 ile başarısız oldu. OpenSSL Hata mesajları: hata:140770FC:SSL...
  4. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 XenForo 2.3 beta1 api and email problem

    I guess API and e-mail service are not working in beta 1?
  5. Garfield™

    When will the 2.3 stable version be released?

    Is there a predicted date for the final release?
  6. Garfield™

    When will the 2.3 stable version be released?

    When will the 2.3 stable version be released?
  7. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 How can I set user alert duration?

    min. at default settings. It shows as 1 day, but I want to give a 1-hour penalty and warn, for example, how can I do this?
  8. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 redirect page problem?

    Will you take action about the redirect page problem? Many URLs are not indexed for this reason, Google sees this as an error and many xenforo users experience this problem.
  9. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Error submitting sitemap to{$url} I think I need to delete this completely?
  10. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Error submitting sitemap to

    I think there was an update on Google's side, the error continues.
  11. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Error submitting sitemap to

    GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Error submitting sitemap to Client error: GET resulted in a 404 Sitemaps ping is...
  12. Garfield™

    XF 2.2 How to prevent links from being added to the About Me section?

    How to prevent links from being added to the About Me section?
  13. Garfield™

    [OzzModz] Remove Thread Prefix From Page Title

    I guess it doesn't work
  14. Garfield™

    Not a bug XenForo Sitemap File

    Actually, I didn't mention the problem of accessing the sitemap file, but if I had to mention it, I had a problem with accessing the sitemap file of the forums with 50,000 urls in the forums where I changed the domain, yes, google looks at it like this, how can a new domain name have 50,000 urls...
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