Recent content by Furry-190

  1. Furry-190

    XF 2.2 Thread post order?

    I am not able to change the answers order.
  2. Furry-190

    XF 2.2 Thread post order?

    Yes, I would like to have it like that addon. Is it posible in the panel? I am checking it right now and looks I can do it in ADVANCED OPTIONS (editing in every forum).
  3. Furry-190

    XF 2.2 Thread post order?

    Thank you, I mean here: The first one is the last one by default. I prefer to show by default the last one first... Last message is from: 21 June 2021 and I would like to show that one the first...
  4. Furry-190

    XF 2.2 Remove creation post thread date

    Hello, how can I remove the post CREATION DATE in the threads? Just the creation date, not the ones of the answers. I send you an attached file. Thank you
  5. Furry-190

    XF 2.2 Titles for the threads

    I would like to do it by default. If I have to edit all messages...
  6. Furry-190

    XF 2.2 Titles for the threads

    Hello, how can I modify the titles for the threads? As you can see here: title is "Duda con la prima - Foro Seguros" But this thread is inside the forum "Foro Hipotecas", so the title should be "Duda con la prima - Hipotecas - Foro...
  7. Furry-190

    XF 2.1 The is no valid connected account request available. Please try again.

    Same thing happens to me. I do not know how to solve it.
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