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  1. F

    XF 2.2 Getting Navigation Links via API

    I've solved this in a roundabout away... it's not ideal, but it seems to work for my use case.. Would be great to see if anyone can provide a more resilient solution. My solution was to totally bypass the templating in XenForo and instead parse the links manually in PHP in the consuming...
  2. F

    XF 2.0 External logout

    Certainly, I was going to write an article / blog post about it, specifically for integration with Laravel, but I can certainly publish an addon that could work with other frameworks.
  3. F

    XF 2.0 External logout

    Sorry to necro an old thread, but this is the first one that comes up via google, and I faced exactly the same problem. I decided to solve this using a custom addon, with a public endpoint and an API endpoint. API Endpoint: This generates us a link to allow the user to be redirected to a...
  4. F

    XF 2.2 Getting Navigation Links via API

    Hello, I'm attempting to get Navigation Links via the API, to use for integration to a third party website. However, the content that is returned is challenging to work with. Im currently running the following code in my API: /** @var \XF\Repository\Navigation $navRepo */ $navRepo =...
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