Recent content by Fridolin

  1. Fridolin

    XF 2.1 Bulk add new users automatically (external script)

    Hi there Maybe someone will need it. An external script to automatically bulk add a certain number of users. <?php $dir = __DIR__; require($dir . '/src/XF.php'); XF::start($dir); $name_exis=array(); $i=0; while ($i<500){ // new users count...
  2. Fridolin

    Convert image all [Paid]

    Hi! Is it possible the same thing only that the images are uploaded to Xenforo Media Gallery?
  3. Fridolin

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    What codes (HTML or BB) I should use on my pages to get the same Pages List as below?
  4. Fridolin

    Automatically transfer all post attachments to Media Gallery

    ...and replacing old
  5. Fridolin

    Run action on post save

    I need the same thing. Mikey, did you do it?
  6. Fridolin

    Import PunBB to xenForo

    Hi, Import PunBB to xenForo - is it possible?
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